Quality Assured
Is My pepsi Safe ?
Our Quality Policy:
“Make, sell and deliver the beverage to the consumer as it was designed, in order to derive preference.”


We Are In Compliance

Safety Assured

Nectar Beverages follows one quality standard across the globe.

Nectar Beverages soft drinks meet the local Indian standards (Health Ministry Standards for carbonated beverages notified July 15, 2004) which compare to the best-in-class and most stringent international standards being followed anywhere in the world.

Our products comply with the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) directive on the use of water in the preparation of soft drinks. We also comply with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for packaged drinking water. We use a six-stage water purification process to deliver this standard consistently.

Nectar Beverages has a long-standing commitment to protecting the consumers whose trust and confidence in its products is the bedrock of its success. In order to ensure that consumers stay informed about the global quality of all Nectar Beverages products sold in India, Nectar Beverages products carry a quality assurance seal on them. The ‘One Quality Worldwide’ assurance seal appears on the entire range of Nectar Beverages’s beverages.


What goes into a soft drink?

Composition of a Sugar-containing Soft Drink

  • Water: 86-90%
  • Sugar: 10-13%
  • CO2: 0.3-0.7%
  • Concentrate: 0.2-0.4%


Water Quality: Incoming Water

Water accounts for the bulk of all beverages including colas. In other words, the water used in our soft drinks must be as safe as possible for human consumption.


How do we ensure this?
  • Every water source used for Nectar Beverages beverages must first be analytically qualified, which includes using accredited laboratories to test for at least 100 parameters
  • At every plant, we require the incoming water to be purified even further, using a variety of processes. At a minimum, every plant in India employs a dual back-to-back carbon filter.


Water Quality : Raw Water Treatment Decision Flow

Water Quality : Water Treatment system for carbonated soft drinks
Standards for flavours and other ingredients
  • Our flavor concentrates, which make up less than 1% of our finished beverages, also are diligently controlled
  • Each supplier must submit written verification that each lot of ingredient shipped to our facilities meets our strict specifications
  • In addition to water, sugar, and flavor testing, other ingredients, including non agricultural have been analyzed by outside laboratories
  • All ingredients including flavours, emulsifiers, preservatives, colors, acidulants, anti-oxidants and low-calorie sweeteners are food grade and have been approved by global food standards like the JECFA/CODEX, USFDA and EU Scientific Committee for Foods. All ingredients used also conform to standards laid out by the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act under the health ministry


  • Sugar accounts for 10 to 13% of a soft drink
  • Sugar must meet high standards of quality, which are uniform for all of our beverage plants across the globe. All of our sugar manufacturers must undergo the same supplier qualification process
  • To add to our already high quality standards, all of our plants in India further purify sugar with hot activated carbon and fine filtration.


Carbon Dioxide
  • The CO2 in each bottle of Pepsi surpasses that recognised for medical applications.
  • We achieve this by subjecting each supplier to a rigorous supplier qualification process, which includes a complete audit of refineries and testing from approved international laboratories
  • Further, each batch carries certificates of analysis and compliance
  • Once the CO2 reaches a bottling plant, it undergoes further purification


  • Pepsi products are safe
  • We analyze our water, our sugar and our flavorings in accordance with the best international guidelines
  • Our products comply with most stringent Indian and international regulations, including the new regulations for carbonated soft drinks notified by the Health Ministry on July 15, 2004


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